AsTher Thermodynamic Database and Applications



AsTher Process Calculator for MS Excel

8.1. Quick Start:
Create MS Excel File (Book) for calculations using AsTher Process Calculator for MS Excel - Step by Step

Download file Book1.xls

8.1.1. Execute AsTher Process Calculator for MS Excel

8.1.2. Pres Button for Create new Process in MS Excel

Anew MS Excel file (Book1) is created by AsTher Process Calculator, as following picture shows.
Book1 contains a conditions sheet and three phases gas, liquid and solid.

8.2.3. Enter or replace new substances above EOT and initial values of substances in B2, B3, .... etc. 

8.2.4. In the main Window Press Button Update
Select "Book1" as thermodynamic system Select as Condition sheet "Conditions" Press Button Calculation

The Calculations result is written in each phases in the MS Excel file